Herniated/Bulging Disc Relief

Herniated / Bulging Disc Relief

Herniated / Bulging Disc Pain Relief Treatment

Proudly Serving Dallas, TX

The Pain & Migraine Clinic has successfully helped thousands of patients achieve pain relief from Herniated / Bulging Disc with no contraindications. Safe and non-invasive, there are no side effects from medications, we offer completely natural and holistic, alternative pain relief.


Bulging Disc:

As we age, our discs weaken and bulge downward, in other words – bulging discs are usually caused by age-related degeneration. When a bulging disc (protrusion) occurs, this bulge can press against the nerves causing pain.

Herniated Disc: (also called a Ruptured or Slipped Disc):

A herniated disc is when the outer covering of the disc has a rupture or a tear in it. The pain is a result of spinal nerve inflammation and swelling caused by the pressure of the herniated disc and the gel material is irritating to your spinal nerves, triggering something like a chemical irritation.

AtlasPROfilax can help relieve pain caused by a Herniated / Bulging Disc with a SAFE, Non-Invasive Treatment, and usually One-Time Treatment. There are no contraindications for Atlas Profilax treatments.

Herniated / Bulging Disc Pain Relief – Effectiveness, Improvements, and Limitations:

AtlasPROfilax® shows up to 88% of patients getting great or total improvement with their symptoms with just one visit. In some cases, the discomfort may disappear very quickly, in others the improvement is gradual.

Herniated / Bulging Disc Pain Relief Treatment

What are the crucial differences between a bulging disc and a herniated disc?

Bulging Disc:

A Bulging disc refers to a condition with a problem with the rubbery disc between the spinal bones. It is almost similar to letting air out of a car tire – The disc sags, or is compressed down, and looks like it is bulging outwards.

Bulging discs usually affect multiple discs. This condition develops over time and can cause other disc degeneration-related issues.

Because it is considered degenerative, there is usually a progressive or gradual onset of symptoms. It can cause pain in the back, buttocks, or legs, affecting your ability to walk.

Medications and Injections:

Short-term treatment can mean taking anti-inflammatory drugs, especially during flare-ups. Steroid injections might also be used if there is substantial nerve pain.

Physical Therapy:

Long-term treatment usually consists of mobilization of spine, pain reliving modalities along with a self-supervised exercise program that you start off with a physical therapist and then switch to doing at home.


If your bulging discs have caused lumbar stenosis and the symptoms are affecting your quality of life, surgery (called lumbar decompression) is an option. The procedure is very patient-specific based on the type and level of stenosis. It involves decompressing the spinal canal so that the nerves are no longer compressed.

Herniated Disc: (also called a Ruptured or Slipped Disc)

A herniated disc is when the outer covering of the disc has a rupture or a tear it. This causes the nucleus pulposus (center of the disc) which has a gelatin-like center to leak into the spinal canal. Essentially, the soft center of a spinal disc pushes through a crack in the tougher exterior casing.

Sometimes the herniation is so serious that a free fragment occurs. In other words – a piece has broken entirely free from the disc and is in the spinal canal. Most herniated discs take place in the lumbar spine, where spinal nerves exit between the lumbar vertebrae, and then join together again to form the sciatic nerve, which runs down your leg.

In most cases, if the low back and/or leg pain is going to resolve it will do so in about 6 weeks.

Some herniated discs cause no symptoms. Others can irritate nearby nerves and result in pain.

Pain areas: in the neck, arm, back, leg, or foot.

Sensory: leg numbness, pins, and needles, or uncomfortable tingling and burning. You may feel a pain like an electric shock that is severe whether you stand, walk, or sit.

Sometimes the pain is accompanied by numbness and tingling in your leg or foot. You may experience cramping or muscle spasms in your back or leg, foot numbness, hand numbness, or stiff neck.

Muscular: muscle weakness, muscle spasms, or overactive reflexes. Apart from pain, you may have leg muscle weakness, or knee or ankle reflex loss. In severe cases, you may experience foot drop (your foot flops when you walk) or loss of bowel or bladder control. If you experience extreme leg weakness or difficulty controlling bladder or bowel function, you should seek medical help immediately.

Activity such as bending, lifting, twisting, and sitting may increase the pain. Lying flat on your back with knees bent may be the most comfortable because it relieves the downward pressure on the disc.

When needed, treatment includes medication, physical therapy, and at last resort, possible surgery.

Causes of Headaches and Migraines due to a

Of Muscular Origin:

A misaligned atlas can decrease oxygenated blood flow to the brain from vertebral artery compression. In this case, the atlas is literally putting pressure where there should be no pressure. Diminished oxygenation of the brain causes a short term malfunction of the nerve cells, the so-called neurological deficit, which could cause migraines and headaches that last anything from a few hours to whole days.

The atlas malrotation can also put stress on the brainstem by causing a change in the circulation of the cerebrospinal liquid which is a crucial part of the central nervous system. This decreased brainstem function could also be the cause of migraines and headaches. Another possible factor is chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) and outflow obstructions which can cause severe headaches, mental confusion that feels like brain-fog, visual disorders, and other symptoms.

Of Vascular Origin (Blood Supply):

Poor posture and head forward posture cause neck pressure and tension migraines and headaches which usually result in an increase in tension and inflammation of muscles in the neck region. Such perpetual tension produces painful nerve, tendon, and muscle reflexes that trigger and intensify the headache. Physical imbalance of the neck causes headaches and muscular pain that can last for days. If this poor posture is fixed, it will ease migraine headache pain.

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Consultation Treatment
Adults $0 $375
Children $0 $275

*14 & Under. AtlasPROfilax one time treatment price includes a free follow-up appointment. Available to travel to your area for large groups.

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